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Watch live: President Obama speaks at Goalkeepers event in New York

President Barack Obama visits a classroom with Education Secretary Arne Duncan; Melinda Gates; Boston Mayor Thomas Menino; Headmaster Mary Skipper; Biotech teacher James Louis at TechBoston Academy in Dorchester, Massachusetts, March 8, 2011. (Official Whi

Earlier today, President Obama joined Bill and Melinda Gates and other leaders from around the world in New York City at the inaugural Goalkeepers event (Opens in a new tab) to celebrate progress toward eliminating disease and poverty around the world and inspire a new generation of advocates to work on behalf of these causes. The event also brought together young leaders from around the world to discuss and find innovative solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals ( Global Goals (Opens in a new tab)) — from ensuring clean water and sanitation for all to promoting inclusive, quality education and learning opportunities worldwide.

Watch President Obama’s remarks below, or on Facebook here (Opens in a new tab).