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Liza Zaruba, a woman with a light skin tone and long blonde hair, stands in between country flags outside of the United Nations. She rests her hands on her hips and is wearing a white blouse and yellow pants.
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Education

Explore Liza Zaruba's Summer Voyage, and learn how she plans to apply her new health care skills back in Chicago

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  • Youth
  • Changemakers

Meet recipients of the Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship for Public Service or learn how you can apply to be in the next cohort!

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Nick Kennedy, a college-age Native American young man, stands in between a Canadian and American flag on flag poles. He is wearing a brown suit and a white name tag around his neck.
  • Equality
  • USA

Nick Kennedy, an Obama-Chesky Voyager, is advocating for the preservation of Indigenous culture.

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Leah Whitmoyer sorts olives with another woman with a medium skin tone and black hair on an olive farm in Taounate, Morocco. Three others stand in the background.
  • Sustainability
  • Global Reach

Voyager to tackle food and water insecurity during Summer Voyage

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