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Take action to support LGBTQ+ youth

Two women with light medium skin tones walk in between a Black man with a deep skin tone. He is wearing glasses and a hat. All three are wearing Obama Foundation T-shirt’s and holding Pride Month flags. In the background is more signs and people.

This Pride Month and every month, we are committed to uplifting and supporting the LGBTQ+ community–especially during difficult times like these.

The Human Rights Campaign recently declared its first-ever Emergency Declaration for LGBTQ+ people and families after more than 75 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were signed into law this year in the United States–causing an imminent threat to the health and safety of this community.

As of February 2023, more than 340 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been raised in statehouses across the country, 150 of which would restrict the rights of transgender people. The proposed legislation has also included efforts to ban LGBTQ+ spaces and culture.

That’s why, now more than ever, we must all do our part to support the next generation of leaders. From self-education to creating an inclusive, accepting culture around you, here are some ways you can support LGBTQ+ youth.

Educate Yourself Listen to the stories of LGBTQ+ youth in your community. National organizations like the  Human Rights Campaign (Opens in a new tab) and  The National Center for Transgender Equality (Opens in a new tab) offer great resources for connecting and understanding the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Be visible! Speak with community members about what it means to be LGBTQ+ in America and research the historical, political, and cultural history of Pride month.

  • Read books, watch shows, and check out movies from the LGBTQ+ perspective.

    • Pick up a novel about an experience different from yours. If you’re on the South Side, stop by The Seminary Co-op and 57th Street Books.

Support Safe Spaces Be respectful in language and action. Create a kind and inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ youth. Be an ally by actively listening, learning, and speaking up against hatred and bigotry whenever you see it.

Be Open

Be open minded. Allow the young people in your life to come out in their own time. Look for ways that they can express themselves freely.

  • Engage in their interests. Participate in Pride Month activities, rallies, or attend a drag show.


Practice your right to vote. Elected officials have a major impact on how communities across the country help fuel inclusive change—so make sure your voice is heard and counted at the ballot box.

Get Inspired

Meet Dorjjantsan “Jack” Ganbaatar. Jack is the health program manager at The LGBT Centre,  Mongolia’s first and only LGBTQ+ rights organization, which helps trans youth and adults access health aid and legal support through their extensive programming.

Meet Okong’o Kinyanjui, a 2023 Africa leader and co-founder of The Queer African Network for LGBTQ+ persons of African heritage. The platform has gained over 2,500 users and continues to offer a communal space to make safe connections, access opportunities, and exchange resources.