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Town Hall India

President Obama stands in the middle of a large group of people with various skin tones and shakes hands with them.

Watch as President Obama and hundreds of young Indian leaders from across the country gather for a Town Hall to discuss what it means to be an active citizen and how to make an impact.

Young Indians like you aren’t just going to define the future of this nation, you’re going to shape the world.”

President Obama to Young People New Delhi, India on January 27, 2015

This year, President Obama has hosted events with young people in Germany, Indonesia, and Brazil; now, he is going to India. As one of the most culturally, religiously, linguistically, and ethnically diverse nations on earth, India’s democracy shows us the collective strength of engagement within and across communities. Most of India’s 1 billion people are under 35 years old, an engaged and passionate generation that includes Members of Parliament, Village Sarpanchs, scientists, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, and civic leaders who are finding innovative ways to create positive change across India — change that benefits the world.

On December 1, the Obama Foundation will host a Town Hall in New Delhi, India with President Obama and hundreds of young Indian leaders from across the country. The Town Hall will expand the conversation about what it means to be an active citizen and make an impact — and how the Obama Foundation can support emerging leaders in this effort.

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Obama Foundation Summit

The 2018 obama foundation summit has concluded. Thanks for tuning in!

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