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Haiti earthquake relief: how you can help

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti on Saturday morning, August 14, followed by smaller earthquakes across the country that have left thousands dead and injured—and thousands more displaced. As Tropical Storm Grace approaches, heavy rain, flooding, and landslides pose an even more severe threat.

We're inspired by the organizations, grassroots leaders, and others who are stepping up to care for others, and more help is needed. We put together a list of organizations in Haiti doing their part to look out for their communities and support recovery efforts. We hope you’ll take action today:

Hope for Haiti

For 30 years, Hope for Haiti (Opens in a new tab) has provided support for Haitian families and children to alleviate generational poverty.


Since 1995, FOKAL (Opens in a new tab) has educated, trained, and inspired children, women, and marginalized groups to create change in Haitian society.

Health Equity International/St. Boniface Hospital

The team at St. Boniface (Opens in a new tab) is coordinating care and providing emergency response for injured survivors.

Haiti Emergency Relief Fund

The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund (Opens in a new tab) sends donations directly to grassroot community organizations across the country.

Locally Haiti

Based in rural Haiti, Locally Haiti (Opens in a new tab) supports economic development and the overall well-being of families by investing in locally-led initiatives, from educational programming to community health centers.

Nedgine high fives students.

Meet Nedgine Paul Deroly: 2018 Obama Fellow and Co-Founder/CEO of Anseye Pou Ayiti

As part of our inaugural class of Obama Foundation Fellows, Nedgine Paul Deroly works with Haitian communities to create a network of civic leaders and build an equitable education system based on shared history, values, and vision. Learn more + (Opens in a new tab)

Added August 19, 2021:

Project HOPE

Project HOPE (Opens in a new tab) has worked in Haiti since 1980, and is currently running an emergency response team on the ground.

LIDÈ Haiti

LIDÈ Haiti (Opens in a new tab) empowers at-risk adolescent girls in rural Haiti by providing academic and mental health support.

ActionAide Haiti

ActionAide Haiti (Opens in a new tab) is working to provide emergency relief, including water, food support, shelter and hygiene kits for the thousands of women and girls affected by the earthquake.


PRODEV Haiti (Opens in a new tab) runs a network of schools and provides free education to students from underserved communities.