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The Girls Opportunity Alliance’s back-to-school challenge

Earlier today, Tiffany Drake, Executive Director of the Girls Opportunity Alliance, sent the message below to our email list in honor of her daughter's first day of school and to lift up the importance of education for girls around the world. If you'd like to receive updates like these, you can sign up for our email list here.

I’m writing this just after dropping my daughter off at school for the very first time—and I confess I was a bit emotional. She is only three years old but she already loves to learn. She pores over her picture books and is so curious about the world around her.

She was excited to start school today, although I am not sure she yet realizes exactly what that means or the power school holds. As I packed her backpack, I felt incredibly grateful. I know how fortunate she is to have the chance to go to school this year and to pursue any dream that she chooses.

A woman with a light skin tone walks her young daughter to school.

As a new school year begins, the Girls Opportunity Alliance and I are challenging you to take action for girls around the world. Support one of the grassroots projects on our Fund (Opens in a new tab) in honor of someone you love who is going back to school.

We hope you’ll also answer Michelle Obama’s call to share a favorite back-to-school photo—post a throwback of your own school portrait or your child heading to school on social media.

A Michelle Obama Instagram post talks about going to school. A young photo of Michelle Obama is to the left.

Check out the adorable responses we've gotten so far—and share your own back-to-school photo to help us drive action and awareness for global girls' education.

Reese Witherspoon shared a class photo from her early school days:

Jennifer Garner reflected on music lessons gone wrong:

Kerry Washington shared this throwback from 8th grade:

And our amazing community members encouraged everyone to take action to support girls' education around the world:

Share your favorite #backtoschool photo with the hashtag #GirlsOpportunityAlliance and join us to take action for girls' education around the world. (Opens in a new tab)

Tiffany Drake is the Executive Director of the Girls Opportunity Alliance.