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Girls Opportunity Alliance: Diana's Story

Meet Diana. Every day, she would wake up before sunrise and walk for two hours to go to her school in Malawi. To get there, she had to cross a river and often faced harassment along the way. By the time she got to school, her uniform was often soaked—and if she was late, her school would send her home.

Education is my way to a better life.”


Then something happened that changed Diana’s life: she received a four-year scholarship from AGE Africa, an organization committed to giving girls access to the education they deserve. The scholarship allowed Diana to enroll in a school with dorms so she wouldn’t have to walk, and ultimately allowed her to complete secondary school and seek higher education. She became the first person in her entire village to go to university. Today, Diana is training to become a pharmacist.

In this picture, a man and a woman with a deep skin tone are shown in white lab 
shirts. The woman faces the camera while the man doesn't.

Diana credits her scholarship from AGE Africa for opening the door to a brighter future: “Education is my way to a better life,” she says.


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Watch Diana’s story

Malawi | See how a scholarship from AGE Africa helped Diana attend school.

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Watch Rebecca’s story

Rebecca experienced FGM when she was just 12 years old; she was the fourteenth girl in her village to be cut that day. Afterwards, she was considered a woman, so her family decided she should drop out of school and get married. Rebecca vowed that some day things would be different for her daughters.

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Laxmi's Photo Portrait

Watch Laxmi’s story

India | See how the Prerna Girls School helped Laxmi balance her family’s needs and her education.

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Read Hay's story

Vietnam | Learn how the Rock-Paper-Scissors Children’s Fund provided Hay the tools she needed to succeed.

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Read Kiran's story

India | Learn how one young woman overcame gender discrimination to attend school with help from the Study Hall Educational Foundation.

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Watch Thuba's story

Namibia | See how Thuba is empowering girls through sports with Physically Active Youth.

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Celebrate Mother’s Day with the Girls Opportunity Alliance

This Mother's Day, send your mom or the woman who raised you a card designed by the Girls Opportunity Alliance!

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