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Continuing our work as the Girls Opportunity Alliance

This past October, we announced an initiative that would build upon Mrs. Obama’s work to inspire people to take action to ensure adolescent girls around the world get the education they deserve. We called it the Global Girls Alliance.

Since then, we’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to help grassroots leaders carry forward their work to break down the barriers that have kept more than 98 million adolescent girls out of school. We’ve fully funded five projects from Guatemala (Opens in a new tab) to Malawi (Opens in a new tab). We’ve connected 1,800 of these leaders to exchange best practices and to learn from each other. All thanks to the generous support from people around the world.

A group of woman with medium skin tones write on paper in a classroom with wooden tables.

As we continue our daily work to drive global attention, awareness, and action around adolescent girls’ education, we wanted to share that we have updated this initiative’s name to the Girls Opportunity Alliance.

When girls get the opportunities they deserve, amazing things happen. Poverty goes down. Economies grow. Babies are born healthier, and the world, by all accounts, gets better. We’re inspired by everyone who has taken action to join our work thus far, and we’re excited to see how the Girls Opportunity Alliance will grow as we work to support girls around the world in the years to come.

Because the future of our world is only as bright as our girls.

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