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Rahmatullah Hamraz

Photo of Rahmatullah Hamraz
Scholar Rahmatullah Hamraz from University of Chicago Scholars 2018-2019.

Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for the Peace and Reconciliation of Afghanistan (PRA), Ministry of Finance


Rahmatullah is a Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Project, working with local communities to conduct intergroup dialogue and identify the underlying causes of hostility and armed insurgency in Afghanistan. Through his work, Rahmatullah has travelled to 138 districts around the country and has encouraged approximately 4000 armed fighters to return to normal lives. He also developed Backyard Chickens, a social venture focused on economic empowerment that plans to distribute 100,000 laying hens to families in Jaghutu District. He is the winner of the most prestigious award, Maqsudi Social Entrepreneurship Award of USD 10,000 at the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) for his social venture project.