My Brother's Keeper Alliance
![Coordinated Leadership](
MBK Framework - Coordinated Leadership + Infrastructure
MBK Communities build infrastructure and leadership to support their goals by convening, stakeholders through a collective impact strategy. MBK Communities garner local government commitment and leadership to improve outcomes for boys and young men of color.
Action Steps
Backbone organization ensures the implementation of the Local Action plan aligns with other efforts (i.e. aligned leadership, outcomes, action, data systems, advocacy)
Identify a backbone or anchor organization to coordinate and convene partners and serve as fiduciary body – or – create a core operational team from across organizations supported by an advisory board and fiscal sponsor
Local Governing Structure and Backbone finalize the vision/plan and make a formal commitment to support the implementation of the vision/plan
Backbone organization is resourced to coordinate and support the implementation of the vision and plan
Revisit Local Action Plan – is the plan still effective? focused on your goals?
Create and sustain a local governing body that includes all levels of stakeholders: Finalize a structure of decision makers and advisors/steering committee that include BYMOC voices.
Local Governing Structure engages the community on the shared vision and plan (i.e. town hall / convening)
Create a sustainability plan that includes financial and in-kind support from various sources
Develop a blueprint for resourcing your efforts which outlines plans to use or redirect existing resources, new public or private sector commitments, and specific areas where additional commitments, investment, or partnership could help your community reach its MBK goals and help potential new partners target their involvement
Resources are allocated by government, philanthropy or business to support the convening and engagement of partners and community in the vision and planning
Financial support from local government, philanthropy, corporate donors and (other partners?) is allocated to support BYMOC policy and systems change work
Develop Multi-year budget: 1 year; 2 years; 5 years; Longer multi-year commitment; to support BYMOC policy and systems change work