My Brother's Keeper Alliance
The Call for Communities Making Steady Progress in Improving the Lives of Boys and Young Men of Color
Tracing MBKCC Site Progress
All Impact and Seed Community sites committed to tracking and reporting quarterly progress reports and bi-annual financial reports as part of their grant agreement. In addition, these communities were expected to have policies and practices that addressed the following five aspects of data quality:
The data measured what it intended to measure;
The data reported was complete;
The grantee collected data in a consistent manner;
The grantee took steps to correct data errors; and
The grantee actively reviewed data before submission.
The MBK Alliance also monitored the community site’s progress through regular grantee roundup calls, staff supervision of grantee activities, and other MBK Alliance sponsoring activities. Outside evaluators created year one and year two evaluation reports as well as exit interviews to discover key learnings, outcomes, and highlights from the two-year grant period. These evaluations were grounded in a commitment to equity and inclusion.
Throughout this narrative, you will learn more about the impact these grantees had on their local community with the help of their Community Competition grants and the MBK Alliance beyond-the-checks supports.