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When girls get the opportunities they deserve, amazing things start to happen. Follow the Girls Opportunity Alliance to help adolescent girls and the grassroots leaders working to educate them.
The MBK Alliance focuses on building safe and supportive communities for boys and young men of color where they feel valued and have clear pathways to opportunity.
Be the first to know about planned exhibits, construction updates, and events related to the Obama Presidential Center, a world-class museum and public gathering space that celebrates our nation’s first African American President and First Lady on the South Side of Chicago.
President and Mrs. Obama believe the most important thing they can do now is pass the torch of leadership on to a new generation. You’ll get updates about our global network of emerging leaders and the inspiring work they’re doing around the world to change their communities -and our world - for the better.
There are many exciting things happening at the Obama Foundation—across the country and the world, but some of the most important work is happening right here in Chicago. We're building a new landmark for the South Side and economic engine for the city with the Obama Presidential Center, in addition to launching new programming, hosting community events, and driving workforce efforts on our beloved South Side.