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Glenn Hutchins

Glenn Hutchins headshot

Board Member

Glenn Hutchins is chairman of North Island and North Island Ventures, and co-founder of Silver Lake.  

He is vice chairman and lead independent director of Santander; on the Investment Board and the  International Advisory Board of GIC, the sovereign wealth fund of Singapore; on the Executive  Committee of the Boston Celtics Basketball Team (2024 and 2008 NBA World Champions); and a  director of AT&T.  

He is also co-chairman of Brookings Institution, vice-chair of the Obama Foundation, and chairman  emeritus of CARE.  

He was previously chairman of the board of SunGard Data Systems, Inc. and Instinet, Inc. and a director  of Nasdaq, Inc. and Virtu Financial.  

Mr. Hutchins was a director and chair of the Audit and Risk Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of  New York from 2011-2020. He served President Clinton in both the transition and the White House as a  special advisor on economic and healthcare policy. He was also a director of the Harvard Management Company for a decade and co-chairman of Harvard University’s capital campaign.   

Mr. Hutchins and his wife, Debbie, founded the Hutchins Family Foundation which, among other  projects, is supporting the construction of the Obama Presidential Center and has created the Hutchins  Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University; the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and  Monetary Policy at The Brookings Institution; the Hutchins Center for Social Justice at the Lawrenceville  School; and the Chronic Fatigue Initiative, which conducted basic research into the cause of chronic  fatigue syndrome.     

Mr. Hutchins has published essays on economic and public policy in the Wall Street Journal, New York  Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, Fortune and Foreign Affairs. He is also a Fellow of the  American Academy of Arts and Sciences.   

Mr. Hutchins holds an A.B. from Harvard College, an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School, and a J.D.  from Harvard Law School. 

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