\n {#if link.tags && layoutVariant === \"default\"}\n \n {/if}\n \n {#if reducedText}\n \n {reducedText}\n \n {/if}\n \n {lastWord}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n


\n\n {#if link.imageSrc}\n
\n \n
\n {/if}\n\n
\n {#if link.imageSrc}\n \n {/if}\n
\n\n \n


\n\n\n{#if !isLastItem}\n \n{/if}\n\n\n\n","\n\n
\n {#if title}\n


\n \n {/if}\n
    \n {#each links as link, index (index)}\n
  • \n \n
  • \n {/each}\n
\n\n \n
\n","import { client_method } from '../client/singletons.js';\n\n/**\n * If called when the page is being updated following a navigation (in `onMount` or `afterNavigate` or an action, for example), this disables SvelteKit's built-in scroll handling.\n * This is generally discouraged, since it breaks user expectations.\n * @returns {void}\n */\nexport const disableScrollHandling = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('disable_scroll_handling');\n\n/**\n * Returns a Promise that resolves when SvelteKit navigates (or fails to navigate, in which case the promise rejects) to the specified `url`.\n * For external URLs, use `window.location = url` instead of calling `goto(url)`.\n *\n * @type {(url: string | URL, opts?: {\n * replaceState?: boolean;\n * noScroll?: boolean;\n * keepFocus?: boolean;\n * invalidateAll?: boolean;\n * state?: any\n * }) => Promise}\n * @param {string | URL} url Where to navigate to. Note that if you've set [`config.kit.paths.base`](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/configuration#paths) and the URL is root-relative, you need to prepend the base path if you want to navigate within the app.\n * @param {Object} [opts] Options related to the navigation\n * @param {boolean} [opts.replaceState] If `true`, will replace the current `history` entry rather than creating a new one with `pushState`\n * @param {boolean} [opts.noScroll] If `true`, the browser will maintain its scroll position rather than scrolling to the top of the page after navigation\n * @param {boolean} [opts.keepFocus] If `true`, the currently focused element will retain focus after navigation. Otherwise, focus will be reset to the body\n * @param {boolean} [invalidateAll] If `true`, all `load` functions of the page will be rerun. See https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/load#rerunning-load-functions for more info on invalidation.\n * @param {any} [opts.state] The state of the new/updated history entry\n * @returns {Promise}\n */\nexport const goto = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('goto');\n\n/**\n * Causes any `load` functions belonging to the currently active page to re-run if they depend on the `url` in question, via `fetch` or `depends`. Returns a `Promise` that resolves when the page is subsequently updated.\n *\n * If the argument is given as a `string` or `URL`, it must resolve to the same URL that was passed to `fetch` or `depends` (including query parameters).\n * To create a custom identifier, use a string beginning with `[a-z]+:` (e.g. `custom:state`) — this is a valid URL.\n *\n * The `function` argument can be used define a custom predicate. It receives the full `URL` and causes `load` to rerun if `true` is returned.\n * This can be useful if you want to invalidate based on a pattern instead of a exact match.\n *\n * ```ts\n * // Example: Match '/path' regardless of the query parameters\n * import { invalidate } from '$app/navigation';\n *\n * invalidate((url) => url.pathname === '/path');\n * ```\n * @type {(url: string | URL | ((url: URL) => boolean)) => Promise}\n * @param {string | URL | ((url: URL) => boolean)} url The invalidated URL\n * @returns {Promise}\n */\nexport const invalidate = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('invalidate');\n\n/**\n * Causes all `load` functions belonging to the currently active page to re-run. Returns a `Promise` that resolves when the page is subsequently updated.\n * @type {() => Promise}\n * @returns {Promise}\n */\nexport const invalidateAll = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('invalidate_all');\n\n/**\n * Programmatically preloads the given page, which means\n * 1. ensuring that the code for the page is loaded, and\n * 2. calling the page's load function with the appropriate options.\n *\n * This is the same behaviour that SvelteKit triggers when the user taps or mouses over an `` element with `data-sveltekit-preload-data`.\n * If the next navigation is to `href`, the values returned from load will be used, making navigation instantaneous.\n * Returns a Promise that resolves when the preload is complete.\n *\n * @type {(href: string) => Promise}\n * @param {string} href Page to preload\n * @returns {Promise}\n */\nexport const preloadData = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('preload_data');\n\n/**\n * Programmatically imports the code for routes that haven't yet been fetched.\n * Typically, you might call this to speed up subsequent navigation.\n *\n * You can specify routes by any matching pathname such as `/about` (to match `src/routes/about/+page.svelte`) or `/blog/*` (to match `src/routes/blog/[slug]/+page.svelte`).\n *\n * Unlike `preloadData`, this won't call `load` functions.\n * Returns a Promise that resolves when the modules have been imported.\n *\n * @type {(...urls: string[]) => Promise}\n * @param {...string[]} urls\n * @returns {Promise}\n */\nexport const preloadCode = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('preload_code');\n\n/**\n * A navigation interceptor that triggers before we navigate to a new URL, whether by clicking a link, calling `goto(...)`, or using the browser back/forward controls.\n *\n * Calling `cancel()` will prevent the navigation from completing. If `navigation.type === 'leave'` — meaning the user is navigating away from the app (or closing the tab) — calling `cancel` will trigger the native browser unload confirmation dialog. In this case, the navigation may or may not be cancelled depending on the user's response.\n *\n * When a navigation isn't to a SvelteKit-owned route (and therefore controlled by SvelteKit's client-side router), `navigation.to.route.id` will be `null`.\n *\n * If the navigation will (if not cancelled) cause the document to unload — in other words `'leave'` navigations and `'link'` navigations where `navigation.to.route === null` — `navigation.willUnload` is `true`.\n *\n * `beforeNavigate` must be called during a component initialization. It remains active as long as the component is mounted.\n * @type {(callback: (navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').BeforeNavigate) => void) => void}\n * @param {(navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').BeforeNavigate) => void} callback\n * @returns {void}\n */\nexport const beforeNavigate = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('before_navigate');\n\n/**\n * A lifecycle function that runs the supplied `callback` immediately before we navigate to a new URL except during full-page navigations.\n *\n * If you return a `Promise`, SvelteKit will wait for it to resolve before completing the navigation. This allows you to — for example — use `document.startViewTransition`. Avoid promises that are slow to resolve, since navigation will appear stalled to the user.\n *\n * If a function (or a `Promise` that resolves to a function) is returned from the callback, it will be called once the DOM has updated.\n *\n * `onNavigate` must be called during a component initialization. It remains active as long as the component is mounted.\n * @type {(callback: (navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').OnNavigate) => import('../../types/internal.js').MaybePromise<(() => void) | void>) => void}\n * @param {(navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').OnNavigate) => void} callback\n * @returns {void}\n */\nexport const onNavigate = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('on_navigate');\n\n/**\n * A lifecycle function that runs the supplied `callback` when the current component mounts, and also whenever we navigate to a new URL.\n *\n * `afterNavigate` must be called during a component initialization. It remains active as long as the component is mounted.\n * @type {(callback: (navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').AfterNavigate) => void) => void}\n * @param {(navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').AfterNavigate) => void} callback\n * @returns {void}\n */\nexport const afterNavigate = /* @__PURE__ */ client_method('after_navigate');\n","/**\n * @typedef {Object} PageHit\n * @property {string} id\n * @property {\"PAGE\"} type\n * @property {string} headline\n * @property {string} description\n * @property {string} relativeUrl\n * @property {{url: string, altText: string}} previewImage\n * @property {string[]} tags\n * @property {string} body\n * @property {string} objectID\n *\n * @typedef {Object} ResultItem\n * @property {string} url\n * @property {string[]} tags\n * @property {string} headline\n * @property {string} imageSrc\n * @property {string} subCopy\n *\n * @param {PageHit} hit\n * @returns {ResultItem}\n */\nexport function transformHit(hit) {\n return {\n url: hit.relativeUrl,\n tags: (hit.tags ?? []).slice(0, 2),\n headline: hit.headline ?? \"\",\n imageSrc: hit.previewImage?.url ?? \"\",\n subCopy: hit.description ?? \"\"\n };\n}\n\n/**\n *\n * @param {string} query\n * @returns {string}\n */\nexport const formatQuery = (query = \"\") => {\n return query ? `“${query[0]?.toUpperCase() + query.slice(1)}”` : \"\";\n};\n\n/**\n *\n * @param {Object[]} results\n * @param {number} resultsPerPage\n * @returns {Object[][]}\n */\nexport const paginateResults = (results = [], resultsPerPage = 10) => {\n const numOfPages = Math.ceil(results?.length / resultsPerPage);\n const paginatedResults = Array(numOfPages || 0)\n .fill()\n .map((_, i) => {\n return results.slice(i * resultsPerPage, (i + 1) * resultsPerPage);\n });\n\n return paginatedResults;\n};\n"],"names":["ctx","dirty","tags_changes","insert_hydration","target","span","anchor","div","image_changes","t4_value","t8_value","if_block0","create_if_block_4","create_if_block_3","if_block2","create_if_block_2","if_block3","create_if_block_1","create_if_block","toggle_class","span2","attr","h3","h3_class_value","a","a_href_value","a_class_value","append_hydration","div3","div2","div0","span0","span1","span3","p0","div1","span4","p1","current","set_data","t4","t8","isolateLastWordForWrapping","text","lastWord","reducedText","word","index","array","link","$$props","validatePropObjectWithSchema","layoutVariant","isLastItem","containerClass","theme","imageClass","$$invalidate","li","searchresultlistitem_changes","i","ul","id","title","links","currentTheme","getTheme","componentClass","goto","client_method","transformHit","hit","_a","formatQuery","query","paginateResults","results","resultsPerPage","numOfPages","_"],"mappings":"igBAiFsB,KAAAA,KAAK,yJAALC,EAAA,IAAAC,EAAA,KAAAF,KAAK,oJAOZA,EAAW,CAAA,CAAA,gDAAXA,EAAW,CAAA,CAAA,8BADdG,EAEOC,EAAAC,EAAAC,CAAA,oCADJN,EAAW,CAAA,CAAA,sIA0BoB,eAAA,oBAAAA,KAAWA,EAAa,CAAA,CAAA,EACrD,IAAAA,KAAK,SACF,OAAAA,KAAK,OACN,MAAAA,KAAK,wLAPhBG,EAUKC,EAAAG,EAAAD,CAAA,sCANiCL,EAAA,IAAAO,EAAA,eAAA,oBAAAR,KAAWA,EAAa,CAAA,CAAA,GACrDC,EAAA,IAAAO,EAAA,IAAAR,KAAK,UACFC,EAAA,IAAAO,EAAA,OAAAR,KAAK,QACNC,EAAA,IAAAO,EAAA,MAAAR,KAAK,kNAWI,eAAAA,KAAWA,EAAa,CAAA,CAAA,EACnC,IAAAA,KAAK,SACF,OAAAA,KAAK,OACN,MAAAA,KAAK,wGAHIC,EAAA,IAAAO,EAAA,eAAAR,KAAWA,EAAa,CAAA,CAAA,GACnCC,EAAA,IAAAO,EAAA,IAAAR,KAAK,UACFC,EAAA,IAAAO,EAAA,OAAAR,KAAK,QACNC,EAAA,IAAAO,EAAA,MAAAR,KAAK,qXA1BmBS,EAAAT,KAAK,QAAO,oBAkCXU,EAAAV,KAAK,QAAO,mBA3D3CW,EAAAX,EAAK,CAAA,EAAA,MAAQA,OAAkB,WAASY,GAAAZ,CAAA,IAMtCA,EAAW,CAAA,GAAAa,GAAAb,CAAA,4FAuBf,IAAAc,EAAAd,KAAK,UAAQe,GAAAf,CAAA,EAeXgB,EAAAhB,KAAK,UAAQiB,GAAAjB,CAAA,KAoBpBA,EAAU,CAAA,GAAAkB,GAAA,qHApDDlB,EAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,qfAARA,EAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,8qBAFiDmB,GAAAC,EAAA,mBAAA,CAAApB,MAAeA,EAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,EAN1BqB,EAAAC,EAAA,QAAAC,EAAA,mDAAAvB,EAAM,CAAA,EAAA,cAAc,UAAUA,KAAM,cAAc,gBAAA,oWAX/GqB,EAAAG,EAAA,OAAAC,GAAAzB,KAAK,GAAG,EACAqB,EAAAG,EAAA,QAAAE,GAAA,SAAA1B,sCAA8CA,EAAK,CAAA,EAAC,UAAwE,gEAAAA,KAAM,kBAAiB,gBAAA,0CAFnKG,EAsEGC,EAAAoB,EAAAlB,CAAA,EAjEDqB,EAgEKH,EAAAI,CAAA,EA/DHD,EA0DKC,EAAAC,CAAA,EAzDHF,EA4BKE,EAAAC,CAAA,wBAxBHH,EAoBIG,EAAAR,CAAA,iBAbGK,EAYCL,EAAAF,CAAA,EAXJO,EAEMP,EAAAW,CAAA,gBACNJ,EAOMP,EAAAY,CAAA,qBAGVL,EAEMG,EAAAG,CAAA,EADJN,EAAiDM,EAAAC,CAAA,wCAkBrDP,EAYKE,EAAAM,CAAA,yBAGPR,EAEMC,EAAAQ,CAAA,EADJT,EAAsDS,EAAAC,CAAA,wDA3D/CrC,EAAK,CAAA,EAAA,MAAQA,OAAkB,sGAM7BA,EAAW,CAAA,yEAMXA,EAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,cAFiDmB,GAAAC,EAAA,mBAAA,CAAApB,MAAeA,EAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,GAN1B,CAAAsC,GAAArC,EAAA,IAAAsB,KAAAA,EAAA,mDAAAvB,EAAM,CAAA,EAAA,cAAc,UAAUA,KAAM,cAAc,oCAqB5E,CAAAsC,GAAArC,EAAA,IAAAQ,KAAAA,EAAAT,KAAK,QAAO,KAAAuC,EAAAC,EAAA/B,CAAA,EAI5CT,KAAK,sGAeHA,KAAK,yGAe0B,CAAAsC,GAAArC,EAAA,IAAAS,KAAAA,EAAAV,KAAK,QAAO,KAAAuC,EAAAE,GAAA/B,CAAA,GAlEhD,CAAA4B,GAAArC,EAAA,GAAAwB,MAAAA,GAAAzB,KAAK,uBACG,CAAAsC,GAAArC,EAAA,IAAAyB,MAAAA,GAAA,SAAA1B,sCAA8CA,EAAK,CAAA,EAAC,UAAwE,gEAAAA,KAAM,kBAAiB,oCAsE7JA,EAAU,CAAA,+RA/IL0C,GAA2BC,EAAO,GAAE,CAC3CA,EAAOA,EAAK,WACRC,EACAC,EAAc,GAClB,OAAAF,EAAK,MAAM,GAAG,EAAE,QAAO,CAAEG,EAAMC,EAAOC,IAAK,CACrCD,IAAUC,EAAM,OAAS,EAC3BH,MAAkBC,CAAI,IAEtBF,EAAWE,IAGN,CAAA,YAAAD,EAAa,SAAAD,+BAwBb,KAAAK,CAAI,EAAAC,EAUfC,GAA4B,CAC1B,cAAe,qBACf,SAAU,OACV,UAAWF,EACX,OAZc,CACd,IAAK,SACL,KAAM,QACN,SAAU,SACV,OAAQ,SACR,MAAO,YAaE,GAAA,CAAA,cAAAG,EAAgB,SAAS,EAAAF,EAEzB,CAAA,WAAAG,EAAa,EAAK,EAAAH,EAElB,CAAA,eAAAI,EAAiB,MAAS,EAAAJ,GAE1B,MAAAK,CAAK,EAAAL,QAIVM,EAAU,CACd,QAAS,6DACT,MAAO,+RAJRC,EAAA,EAAA,CAAK,YAAAZ,EAAa,SAAAD,CAAQ,EAAKF,GAA2BO,EAAK,QAAQ,EAAAJ,GAAAY,EAAA,EAAAb,CAAA,EAAAa,EAAA,EAAAR,CAAA,wVCX/BjD,EAAK,CAAA,CAAA,gFAALA,EAAK,CAAA,CAAA,wGAA5CG,EAAiDC,EAAAkB,EAAAhB,CAAA,uDAAVN,EAAK,CAAA,CAAA,4JAO/BA,EAAY,CAAA,gCAGH,eAAAA,KAAeA,EAAa,CAAA,CAAA,EAChC,WAAAA,EAAU,EAAA,IAAAA,EAAM,CAAA,EAAA,OAAS,wNANzCG,EAQIC,EAAAsD,EAAApD,CAAA,iGAHgBL,EAAA,IAAA0D,EAAA,eAAA3D,KAAeA,EAAa,CAAA,CAAA,GAChCC,EAAA,IAAA0D,EAAA,WAAA3D,EAAU,EAAA,IAAAA,EAAM,CAAA,EAAA,OAAS,mJAZxCA,EAAK,CAAA,GAAAkB,GAAAlB,CAAA,OAKDA,EAAK,CAAA,CAAA,aAAiBA,EAAK,EAAA,kBAAhC,OAAI4D,GAAA,EAAA,2bANQ5D,EAAc,CAAA,EAAA,IAAGA,EAAY,CAAA,EAAC,eAAe,UAA/DG,EAoBKC,EAAAG,EAAAD,CAAA,wBAfHqB,EAYIpB,EAAAsD,CAAA,wFAhBC7D,EAAK,CAAA,2GAKDA,EAAK,CAAA,CAAA,6JANEA,EAAc,CAAA,EAAA,IAAGA,EAAY,CAAA,EAAC,oEAM1C,OAAI4D,GAAA,2MAlDG,CAAA,GAAAE,EAAK,MAAS,EAAAZ,EAGd,CAAA,MAAAa,EAAQ,MAAS,EAAAb,GAejB,MAAAc,CAAK,EAAAd,EAKL,CAAA,cAAAE,EAAgB,SAAS,EAAAF,EAMzB,CAAA,MAAAK,EAAQ,WAAW,EAAAL,EAC1Be,EAAeC,GAASX,CAAK,EAMtB,CAAA,eAAAY,EAAiB,EAAE,EAAAjB,QAExBI,EAAc,CAClB,QAAS,SACT,MAAO,gaClBC,MAACc,GAAuBC,GAAc,MAAM,ECPjD,SAASC,GAAaC,EAAK,OAChC,MAAO,CACL,IAAKA,EAAI,YACT,MAAOA,EAAI,MAAQ,CAAE,GAAE,MAAM,EAAG,CAAC,EACjC,SAAUA,EAAI,UAAY,GAC1B,WAAUC,EAAAD,EAAI,eAAJ,YAAAC,EAAkB,MAAO,GACnC,QAASD,EAAI,aAAe,EAChC,CACA,CAOY,MAACE,GAAc,CAACC,EAAQ,KAAO,OACzC,OAAOA,EAAQ,MAAIF,EAAAE,EAAM,CAAC,IAAP,YAAAF,EAAU,eAAgBE,EAAM,MAAM,CAAC,CAAC,IAAM,EACnE,EAQaC,GAAkB,CAACC,EAAU,GAAIC,EAAiB,KAAO,CACpE,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